C. C. Barton 

Fine Art


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Private Roads:  High Timber

(Text of the poem below)

Three Plates  /   Paper Dimension: 12" x 9"

Hand-colored Etching on Handmade Watercolor Paper

with Original Poetry

Edition: 100 + 15  Artist  Proofs


$450 + Shipping


                                                                Private Roads:  High Timber

                                            This road takes you through high timber.

                                            It flows like a red dirt river

                                           mindful only of terrain -

                                            just where to bend,

                                            how to climb.


                                            Plain, and with good purpose

                                            it lays a course

                                            up and up the mountain

                                            into the cold beyond the trees -


                                            Unaware that its signature is witnessed

                                            by blue-black Ravens

                                            and Red-tailed Hawks


                                            or that it leads a procession of ardent yellow leaves

                                            luminous in celebration


                                            like a thousand Chinese lanterns.


© C.C. Barton